Welcome to the website of Stéphane Vanden Avenne
Special time
It is a special time in which we find ourselves today.
Humanity is facing a gigantic change.
On the one hand, it is heartwarming to see that there are
more and more people who are somehow awakening
from the illusionary world in which we live.
On the other hand, it is heartbreaking to see
that there is so much misery and unrest in the outside world.
This duality that is now present on this earth makes it clear
that it is extremely important that we, as loving persons,
choose the right direction in such a way
that we are by no means lost in the maze that is created.
To go in the right direction, you as a soul person are in control.
You can let “your real self” speak from your heart
in such a way that you are connected to who you really are.
You are a human being in motion who is changing
into someone who raises his level of consciousness to a higher echelon.
You are then master of yourself instead of being trapped by others.
You let your heart speak.
Your heart makes the right connection with your brain.
Your heart brain becomes your forever shining light.

My soul passion
The intention of this website is to let my soul passion come to fruition.
From my youth I was busy with what was going on in the world.
I was surprised to find that the gap between rich and poor was too great.
I thought that was unfair and had a lot of trouble accepting it at the time.
I actually wanted to change that in my limited way.
As a young boy I was an altar boy for a number of years
during the church services in Ooigem.
I felt like I meant something to society.
But that feeling of dissatisfaction with the world’s problems continued to gnaw at me.
I still wanted this to change this.
But the life story of my younger years continued without anything changing.
When I read the book “The Celestine Promise” a little past my 30th birthday,
I started to delve more into the spiritual aspect and what all this had to offer.
I started reading more and more spiritual books.
I came to new insights about the correct interpretation of our life existence.
Also through my many life experiences that I went through over the years,
I tasted more and more of all facets that life has to offer.
What I experienced did not always go smoothly.
But I kept getting worked up to the fact that as a human being
you can also learn a lot from setbacks.
Until later in life, when my mother was actually dying,
I decided to start writing texts.
This is initially to get through this difficult period.
When I noticed that my “spiritual texts” were valued,
I decided to continue with them after the death of my mother.

Plenty of inspiration!
Writing is really my passion.
Writing inspiring texts from my soul
with which I can make people more aware of their “inner potential”
is actually a very beautiful thing to do.
Especially when you determine that this is very much appreciated.
I don’t do the writing for myself,
but rather to guide the readers in the life they are going on.
When I wrote poetry at a young age, it gave me great satisfaction.
But now my writing goes much further.
The process that I have gone through as a human being over the years
has taught me a lot of wisdom and insight that I would now like to share with others.
As soon as I am writing a specific text,
it is exactly as if the words that are written down
are indicated to me from the universe.
I strongly believe that there is something that contributes us as soul people
to the fact that when we open ourselves to it,
we can handle more than we could ever dream.
I am therefore very hopeful that my texts
can ultimately mean something valuable to you as a reader.
That what you read as a unique person
can mean something meaningful in your life.
That is my heartfelt wish for all of you.